Farewell to a Formosa favourite
As residents may already know to their cost Hiten & Darsha Patel sadly put up the shutters at Dhigs on Monday July 31st as they headed off for a well-deserved break after a hard-to-credit 44 years running the convenience store in Formosa Street. During all that time the couple have been not just shop-keepers but a friend & support to many, particularly during the Covid lockdown when they were a vital source not just of supplies but of human contact.. They even made time to take the local RAF veteran Peter Brown, whose funeral at the age of 96 drew hundreds back in May, to some of his hospital appointments.
There's a chance to bid the Patels a formal farewell on Sunday September 3rd when they will be hosting a drinks do at the Prince Alfred pub, just opposite the shop in Formosa Street. All are welcome after 7.30 pm.