Formosa Board apologises for hitch in pollarding plans

Sharp-eyed users of the Garden will have noticed that the bi-annual pollarding scheduled for early March was suspended after only a day or so following questions over the felling of three plane trees, two along Sutherland Avenue & one at the rear of Warrington Crescent. According to the original Garden Masterplan these did not appear to be due to be cut down for several more years.
The Formosa Board has now issued the following statement: “An administrative glitch between our tree agency & Westminster Council has meant that the pollarding process has had to be temporarily suspended.
“We understand that as soon as the permissions have been granted and our tree company has the resources necessary to complete the works, the pollarding will be completed as usual. Some residents have written to us to raise concerns regarding the sequencing of trees for felling and the process by which this was communicated. “The Garden Committee would like to confirm that a thorough investigation has now taken place & lessons have been learned, particularly in respect of timely communication with residents. The Garden Committee wanted to apologise to any residents who have been concerned enough to write in and wanted to thank them for their passion for the garden.
“We plan to discuss the matter again at our annual AGM so please do come along!”