Farewell party stops the traffic
Dozens of local residents crowded into Formosa Street on September 3rd to say Goodbye to two of its best-loved & most familiar figures, Hiten & Darshna Patel, who ran Dhigs convenience store for a hard-to-credit 44 years. before handing over to new owners in mid-August.

The closure of Formosa Street was arranged by Westminster Councillor Melvyn Caplan who made a speech thanking the Patels for their exceptional service to the community, particularly during the dark days of Covid when they were a vital source not just of supplies but of human contact.
It was an emotional occasion, especially for Darshna as her husband gave a speech of thanks in reply...

....and again when he singled out his shop co-worker & friend Jassi Taylor for a special hug:

The Prince Alfred pub laid on lavish refreshments plus two cakes which seemed to say it all:

So good luck to Hiten & Darshna in their new life which we understand includes a well-earned holiday in India....