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Gods smile down on Family Fun Day

Unlike last Summer, when the weather was by and large miserable & cold, the sun came out for this year's Family Fun Day on June 29th & a strong turn-out saw younger residents in particular enjoying face-painting, bouncy castles, a surfboard simulator and pony rides.  Competition was fierce in the Great Formosa Bake Off with worthy winners in both categories.  A performance by the Lucas Jet Circus kept their audience spellbound, followed by a kids' disco party with musical statues and other fun games.  The traditional sports day races included the ever-popular Tug of War challenge and the day concluded with live music by Havana Good Times with salsa dancing, a DJ between sets and special guest star "Dolly Parton" (who bore a suspicious resemblance to actress & singer Nicki Starkey). Thanks are due to our generous sponsors, The Hampstead Orthodontic Practice, Winkworth estate agents and our agents Westbourne Management.

There was only one slight hitch -- the pizza-supplier had a minor car accident on his way to the event & was unable to turn up. However long-established local Italian restaurant Red Pepper came to the rescue with a steady supply of pizzas, to the point in fact where their dough ran out! According to the event organiser Irina Miklavchich "They got through a week's supply in one afternoon"!

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