Formosa Wine Tasting
Residents of the Formosa Garden are cordially invited to a Summer Party in the garden including a wine tasting, live music and a guided walk. The evening will be hosted in partnership with The Winery and thanks to the generous support of Savills Estate Agents.
Date: Thursday 15th August 2024
Time: 6 pm - 8 pm
Place: The Formosa Garden
Event Activities
Wine Tasting: Guests can sample 6 wines provided by The Winery and enjoy a follow-up glass of their favourite.
Cheese and Picnics: Cheese will be provided to complement the wine tasting, but residents are welcome to bring their own picnics if they wish.
Expert Q&A: The Winery owner David Motion will be available to answer questions. Full tasting notes on all the wines can be downloaded at this link.
Garden Tour: Jan Melkenbeek, Formosa's gardener, will give a guided tour of the garden at 6.15 pm.
Live Music : Entertainment for the evening will be provided by Cassandra Matthews and Rodrigo Gentillon who are the guitar, vocal and percussion group, Just Two.
Ticket Information
Formosa residents are entitled to 2 complementary tickets per household and orders received by 10th August were delivered to residents' homes by that date. COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS ARE NOW FULLY SUBSCRIBED, however you may add your name to the waiting list below for returns. Residents may attend with guests and purchase tickets on the night for £15 each.